![]() Space Japan Review, No. 74 Turksat-4A/4B (Courtesy of Mitsubishi Electric) cf. Executive Comment, Space Japan Review, No. 74, June / July 2011 |
Cover Page Turksat-4A/4B Executive Comment (in English) Overseas Space Business Status of Mitsubishi Electric (MELCO) and the Expected Role of the Government Hiroyuki Inahata General Manager, Space Systems Division, Mitsubishi Electric Corp. "On March 7, 2011, the contract for building two communications satellites gTurksat -4Ah and hTurksat-4Bh was awarded to MELCO by Turkish national satellite communications company,gTurksat Satellite Communication, Cable TV and Operation ASh. For MELCO, this contract was the next award after gST-2h communications satellite of 2008 from SingTel (Singapore) / Chunghwa Telecom (Taiwan). It will be the tenth satellite which uses our standard satellite bus gDS2000h. During the proposal phase, a great deal of support was given by Japanese government agencies and related organizations, which was a strong back up for the contract award. On this occasion, we would like to express our appreciation to the concerned entities for the support." Mr. Inahata, General Manager of Mitsubishi Electric Corp. talks about the present status of overseas space business of his company. Special Report (in English) Current State of UAV R&D and Deployment in the USA Yuichiro Nishi Japan Stratosphere Communications "The last 10 years have seen an explosive growth of UAV research and development as well as operational deployments by the United States. The primary driver of all UAV systems has been military funding. With the exception of some demonstration programs, use by commercial operators or local governments, have been postponed due to costs. NASA operates a small number of research vehicles derived from the currently used military systems. No significant system development exclusively for commercial or scientific users is underway...." Space Japan Club (in English) Human Space Flight Faramaz Davarian Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology "For centuries, human beings have dreamed of traveling to the stars. The development of rockets in the 1940s intensified the interest in space travel, which had been popularized in the nineteenth century by science-fiction writers such as Jules Verne. The commercial movie industry began capitalizing on the concept of space travel in the early 20th century; the launch of Sputnik in 1957 and Yuri Gagarinfs flight shortly after in 1961 further boosted the worldfs fascination with space flight. Today, outer space-related science-fiction movies and books continue to be money-making ventures...." New Article: Space Japan Book Review (in English) George Friedman:gThe Next Decade: Where We've Been c and Where We're Goingh, Doubleday, 2011 Reviewer: Takao Ueda, Editorial Advisor "This book was written by George Friedman, founder and CEO of STRAFOR that has the nickname of gbehind-the-scenes CIAh, and is a sequel of gThe Next 100 Yearsh reviewed in April/May 2011 issue of Space Japan Review. Whereas g The Next 100 Yearsh handled the forecasts on America and the world for the coming century, this book discusses the forecast on the next ten years which are more realistic for us all. Therefore, the author argues the Americafs policy enthusiastically, slightly different from the usual forecasts. It is interesting that this book can be read like the special instructions for the U.S. President..." From Aerospace America (in Japanese) China's Military Space Surge Craig Covault This article was translated with the permission of Aerospace America. The original article was published in Aerospace America, March 2011, pp. 32-37, Craig Covault, "China's Military Space Surge". (translated by Takao Ueda, Editorial Advisor) Discussion (in English) Post-Web 2.0 and Looking for Reason Why IT Venture Doesn't Grow Up in Japan Takashi Iida, JFSC Special Advisor "Moreover, to found and support the Silicon Valley was the space development of the U.S. From mentioned above, I recognized that the reason why IT ventures have not grown up is because full-scale space development had not been performed as well as systematic accumulation little exists in our country. What do you think?" Flash Report, SOFTBANK MOBILE Corp.(in Japanese) Satellite communication that proves one's worth in early restoration of cellular-phone infrastructure Yoshihito Shimazaki, SoftBank Mobile Corp. This report expresses restoration process in SoftBank Mobile's cellular-phone infrastructure after the Great East Japan Earthquake, March 11, 2011. Flash Report, IPSTAR Company Limited (in Japanese) IPSTAR working after the Great East Japan Earthquake Yasuto Tanaka, IPSTAR Company Limited As a flash report of the Great East Japan Earthquake, this article presents the IPSTAR's satellite communication services at the disaster areas. (PDFF267kB) Satellite Commentary, Quasi-Zenith Satellite Story (in Japanese) The Birth and Afterwards of Quasi-Zenith Satellite Susumu Kitazume, Editorial Advisor (PDFF390kB) Capital Products and Review (in Japanese) Distributed data-storage services provided by SKY Perfect JSAT S*Plex3 Cloud Storage Server System provides Internet Storage Service to ASP/SaaS providers, so that ASP/SaaS providers could use this service to provide their own services to general end-users. (PDF:255kB) Space Japan Interview (in Japanese) Learned from Development of CS "Sakura, Cherry in English", blooming in the universe of "Showa". Akio Iso, Iso SpaceNet Research (PDF:1554kB) Topics from Within (in English) Report: Presents from AIAA Takashi Iida, Special Advisor, JFSC "I think I took olds. I received two presents from AIAA recently that might show a good care of AIAA. Based on the argument in the SJR editorial committee that had better report to all of readers, I report below briefly. As for the first present, I received a certificate signed by the AIAA President to commemorate the years of service on my 25th anniversary of continuous membership in the AIAA, as shown to the right. I became a member of AIAA in 1986..." Topics from Within (Call for Papers) 29th AIAA International Communications Satellite Systems Conference (ICSSC-2011) The next AIAA ICSSC will be held in Nara City, Japan from 28 November to 1 December, 2011. Conference Report (in Japanese) International Conference on Space Optical Systems and Applications (ICSOSj2011 Hideki Takenaka and Yoshihisa Takayama, NICT ICSOS 2011 was held In Santa Monica, California, USA from May 11 to 13, 2011. This article reports the conference. From Editor |
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