Space Japan Review 2 - 3
No.27 February 2003 / March 2003
Image of the Earth taken from Micro-OLIVE satellite | Contents President Trucotte of CRC, Canada talks an overview of satellite communications activities in Canada and his thoughts on their future. Canada becomes the third nation in space with the launch of Alouette 1 in 1962, and the first to test direct-to-home television broadcasting via the Hermes satellites in 1976. Canada is an active country on space developments.
Special Report Dr. Rick Fleeter, CEO of AeroAstro Inc. introduces satellite programs at AeroAstro such as SPORT, KitCore, Integrated Spacecraft Systems, etc. He talked "When AeroAstro was founded in 1988, the idea of a company dedicated to microsatellites was unusual, maybe even unique, and certainly radical."
Space Japan Milestone
CRL succeeded in image capturing experiments using terrestrial eqipment.
Capital Products & Review
Selected Paper
Quasi-Zenith Satellite System (QZSS), combined services of communication broadcasting and positioning, will enhance conventional services and create new services.
Conference Report
PTC(Pacific Telecommunications Counsel), which was held at Hilton Hawaiian Village in Honolulu Hawaii on 19-23 January 2003, is reported. PTC is International, non-government, non-profit organization which is contributing for the development and operation of telecommunication in Asia and Pacific Region and have about 600 members from government, academy and industry sponsored by ALCATEL, AT&T Wireless, Boeing Satellite System, ePhone Telecom Inc, Global Crossing, KT Telecom and so on.