Space Japan Review

Space Japan Review 6, 7, 8 & 9
No.89, June/July/August/September 2015

Space Japan Review, No. 89
The KOUNOTORI 5 (HTV 5, a cargo transporter to the International Space Station)
courtesy by JAXA


Cover Page
The KOUNOTORI 5 (HTV 5, a cargo transporter to the International Space Station)
courtesy by JAXA
Executive Comment (in Japanese)
Global Trends of Communication Satellits and Activities of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)
Ryouichi Imai, Vice President, JAXA
(PDF: 265kB)

Space Japan Book Review (in English)
From a satcom researcher point of view
Kevin Kelly:"What Technology Wants", Viking Adult, 2010.
Dr. Takashi Iida
Editorial Advisor
This book has no relation to the satellite communications. But, this book discusses the broader technology. The editors of the Space Japan Review are interested in the science and technology policy including technology innovation. This book is thought to be appropriate to this column, because the reader of this book review may be interested. This book review is based on Japanese translation version...
(PDF: 703kB)

From Aerospace America (in Japanese)
Debra Werner, "Reimagining Satellite Construction", translated into Japanese
by Takeo Ueda, Editorial Advisor
This article was translated and reprinted with permission. Copyright 2015 The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. All other rights reserved. Originally published as Debra Werner, gReimagining satellite constructionh, Aerospace America, March 2015, (PDF: 844kB)

Editorfs Notes

Editorial Board of Space Japan Review, AIAA JFSC:
Hiromitsu Wakana
4-2-1, Nukui-Kitamachi, Koganei, Tokyo 184-8795, Japan

Members of Editorial Board are expecting to have any
comment from readers. Please send us the comments,
opinions to the articles of Space Japan Review and any
anticipation via e-mail and/or FAX as shown in the left column