Space Japan Review

Space Japan Review 6, 7, 8 & 9
No.83, June/July/August/September 2013

Space Japan Review, No. 83
under construction


Cover Page
under construction
Satellite Commentary (in Japanese)
Nobuyoshi Fugono
Ex-Director General of CRL, Japan
(PDF: 509kB)

Space Japan Book Review (in English)
From a satcom researcher point of view
Ian Stewart: gIn Pursuit of the Unknown: 17 Equations That Changed the Worldh, Basic Books, 2012.
Dr. Takashi Iida
Editorial Advisor
First of all, the reason why this book is reviewed in this column is described. This book takes up 17 equations that led the human civilization. Especially the Maxwell equation among them is the comprehensive studies of electromagnetism, and this is a basic of the basics of current radio communication, and naturally it is the basics of satellite communications. According to the reason above, it is thought that this book is eligible for the article of Space Japan Review. Now, let's start to introduce this book with related topics.
(PDF: 267kB)

Report (in English)
Canadian Space Agency Visiting Report
Yoshihisa Takayama
"The John H. Chapman Space Centre of the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) locates in Montreal Canada and is next to the Saint-Hubert Airport. The detail information is found in the web page, The figure 1 is the beautifully-designed main entrance of the facility. I visited there to have a meeting on a satellite to ground laser communication experiment. I had been in Ottawa to attend a conference." Dr. Yoshihisa Takayama reports his visit in the Canadian Space Agency. (PDF: 171kB)

Editorfs Notes

Editorial Board of Space Japan Review, AIAA JFSC:
Hiromitsu Wakana
Space Communication Group, NICT
4-2-1, Nukui-Kitamachi, Koganei, Tokyo 184-8795, Japan

Members of Editorial Board are expecting to have any
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