Launch of Ariane 5 ECA with W3B and BSAT-3b on 28 October, 2010
(Courtesy of Ariane Space)
Cover Page
Launch of Ariane 5 ECA with W3B and BSAT-3b on 28 October, 2010
Executive Comment (in Japanese)
Safe and Secure Services Satellite Communication Provides
Yutaka Nagai Director of the Board & Senior Executive Vice President, SKY Perfect JSAT
"I wish that global safe and secure infrastructure, which is combined with cellular phone networks, could be established by cooperation with governments and enterprises in Asia." Dr. Hiroshi Nagai, the Vice President of SKY Perfect JSAT, talks about the future satellite communication services.
(PDF: 201kB)
New Year Greeting (in English)
From the editing committee members of Space Japan Review
"A Happy New Year! The year of 2011 has come and Japan's new defense plan was established in the end of last year and it describes the space development and its utilization under the Space Basic Law. ... "