Space Japan Review 12 - 1

No.38 December 2004 / January 2005


HAPS, the field test on Hokkaido Taiki Town

Courtesy of Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)


Cover Page

Executive Comment
"Two-Way Interactive Satellite Communications Services" by Dr. Richard T. Gedney

Dr. Richard T. Gedney has spent 25 years in satellite communications. As NASA Project Manager for the Advanced Communications Technology Satellite he helped pioneer spot-beam systems and adaptive links. Currently he supports Efficient Channel Coding in Cleveland, Ohio in developing bandwidth efficient satellite systems. He is now contributing development work of Japanese WINDS Project

Interview with CEO

Under Construction

Report: High Altitude Platform System (HAPS)

Under Construction

Satellite Communication and I
Hanae Watanabe, NTT DoCoMo, Inc.

I have worked in Research and Development Division of NTT DoCoMo (DoCoMo) for three years since I joined the company in April 2001. Although DoCoMo is widely known as a "cell-phone" telecommunication carrier, it is regrettable not to be well known that we also provide mobile satellite communication services (collectively called "WideStar"). Even in the company, the number of staffs who are engaged in satellite business is overwhelmingly small compared to staffs in cell-phone business, and they seem to be in the background. Of course, I knew before joining the company that DoCoMo provides mobile satellite communication services, but I never thought that I would work for such business.

Space Japan Milestone
"Mobile Broadcasting System" by Shigekazu Hori, Vice President & General Manager, Network Services & Content Control Center, Toshiba Corporation

The TV broadcasting systems currently served in many countries including Japan are for fixed home users and the terrestrial analog/digital broadcasting system and BS/CS broadcasting systems have been used in Japan. The former system has the local service area and the latter has the service toward the whole country. The broadcasting services for mobile user such as a person with small receiving terminal and a fellow passenger in a car are restricted to the sound and music by AM and FM radio broadcasting and only for the local area. In recent years, data services providing sound and video in the mobile environment are spreading by the use of the mobile communication system such as mobile phones and wireless LANs. As for the broadcasting service in the mobile environment, sound and video services with high quality are expected as well as by mobile communication.

Selected Paper

Under Construction

Conference Report

Under Construction

Topics From Within
"Attending at AIAA TCCS, IAC and 43rd Aerospace Sciences Meeting"
Takashi Iida, NICT/JFSC

This article reports the AIAA-TCCS (Technical Committee on Communications System) meeting, AIAA-IAC (International Activities Committee) meeting and AIAA 43rd Aerospace Sciences Meeting held on January 10-13, 2005, at Reno Hilton Hotel, Reno, Nevada, U.S.A.

Capital Products

Under Construction

Educational Corner

Under Construction

Editor's comment

Under Construction

Editorial Bureau/ AIAA JFSC, Editorial Committee
NICT, Space Communications Division
4-2-1, Nukui-Kitamachi, Koganei, Tokyo 184-8795, Japan
FAX: +81 42 327 6123

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