Space Japan Review 10 - 11

No.25 October 2002 / November 2002


"SSL Communication Satellite"


Cover Page

Interview with CEO
C. Patrick DeWitt, President Space Systems/Loral

Satellite Communications and I
Kakuko Chiba, KDDI Msat Inc.

Selected Paper
Architecture of Group MODEM with Timesharing Processing for Satellite Communication
K. TANABE, NTT Network Innovation Laboratories

THe Multicarrier/Multirate Group MODEM has been developed by NTTCorporation for satellite communication network, that support up to 256 carriers simultaneously.

Conference Report
1)Organizer's report of JC-SAT 2002
T. Mizuike, Chair of the Satellite Telecommunications Technical Group of IEICE

2002 Joint Conference on Satellite Communications was held with KOSST on October 10-11, 2002 at Lotte Hotel in Daejeon, Korea.

2)Japan Forum Satellite Communications Colloquim
Yutaka Kazekami, Senior Editor

JFSC Colloquium at World Space Congress 2002 was held at Houston, Texas USA from 10 to 18 October 2002.

3)World Space Congress
Yukiko Ohno, CRL

The World Space Congress (WSC) took place in Houston - Texas between 10th and 19th October, 2002.

Topics from Within
AIAA Technical Committee on Communications Systems

TC-Committee Meeting
AIAA ICSSC 21 in Yokohama Preparation Meeting

Editorial Bureau/ AIAA JFSC, Editorial Committee
Communications Research Laboratory, Space Communications Division
4-2-1, Nukui-Kitamachi, Koganei, Tokyo 184-8795, Japan
FAX: +81 42 327 6123

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