Space Japan Review 6 - 7
No.35 June / July 2004
| Contents
Interview with CEO Dr.Atia, who is currently President of Orbital Communications International, responsible for the communications business area under Orbital Science Corporation, was interviewed for Space Japan Review.
Executive Comment Dr. Tadahiro Sekimoto, Chairman of the Institute for International Socio-Economic Studies (IISE), who was formerly Chairman of NEC Corporation, was bestowed the highest Medal of Honor from IEEE. The Honors Ceremony was held in Kansas City, Mo. in the U. S. on June 19. The citation for the award is the gpioneering contributions to digital satellite communications, promotion of information technology R&D, and corporate leadership in computers and communications.h The medal is comparable to a Nobel Prize in the information communications field. Dr. Sekimoto was also the first chairman of the AIAA Japan Forum.
Space Japan Opinion
Education Corner SPACETECH
Space Japan Club Chasing Commercial Communications Satellite Market Worldwide (1/2) It became the great issue colored by auspicious contents, such as Executive Comments of Dr. Tadahiro Sekimoto who is a Chairman of IISE , and formerly Chairman of AIAA Japan Forum who was bestowed the highest Metal of Honor from IEEE. The Honors Ceremony was held in Kansas City, Mo. in the U.S.A on June 19. And Chairman of KDDI Lab. Dr. Yasuo Hirata, who had AIAA ICSSC Communications Award awarded in AIAA ICSSC 2004 at Monterey. We congratulate to both Dr. Sekimoto and Dr. Hirata for their honorable activities. In this issue, a new plan "Space Japan Opinion" has been launched as a column for the opinion leader for Space Development Activities in Japan. Dr. Iida, Chairman of JFSC, is the first presenter for this column titled "How We get the Wind". We would like to have the opinion concerning space development activities from many readers in order to create the Ground Policy for space development activities in Japan, It is great pleasure to contribute the establishment of grand policy in space development (Member of Editorial committee S.K.)