Space Japan Review

Space Japan Review 10/11/12/2014 & 01/2015
No.87, October. November, December 2014 & January 2015

Space Japan Review, No. 87
Himawari-8 and Himawari-9
Courtesy of Japan Meteorological Agency


Cover Page
Himawari-8 and Himawari-9
Courtesy of Japan Meteorological Agency (PDF:4.1MB)
Special Report (in Japanese)
On new "Basic Plan for Space Policy"
Hiroshi Kanai
Editor of Space Japan Review
(PDF: 258kB)

From Aerospace America (in Japanese)
Gary Oleson, hAdvice to Satellite Designers: fCARPE DIEMf,h
Aerospace America, April 2014,
Translated by Takao Ueda
Special Adviser of Space Japan Review
(PDF: 273kB)
This article was translated and reprinted with permission. Copyright 2014 The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. All other rights reserved.

Space Japan Book Review (in English)
From a satcom researcher point of view
Peter H. Diamandis and Steven Kotler: gAbundance The Future Is Better Than You Thinkh, Free Press, 2012.
Dr. Takashi Iida
Editorial Advisor
Dr. Diamandis, author of this book, is one of the International Space University founders, and he is also the founder of Ansari X Prize of a suborbital flight. In this way, because he is connected with space very much, this book seems to be appropriate to this column. Since I myself have listened in his presentation at the IAF (International Astronautical Federation) meeting and have met him, I feel to be easy to understand his book. This book review is based on Japanese translation version.
(PDF: 323kB)

Conference Report (in Japanese)
Susumu Kitazume, JFSC
(PDF: 465kB)
AIAA ICSSC-2014, which was held on August 5 to 7, 2014 in Manchester Grand Hyatt San Diego California, is reported here.

Capital Products (in English)
New Events in Space Businesses of Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
This paper reports
1) Mitsubishi Electric Corporation to Deliver Satellite to Qatari Operator
2) Himawari-8 Successfully Launched
3) Successful operation in orbit -TURKSAT 4A,Completes Construction -TURKSAT 4B
4) New Era of L-band SAR, ALOS-2

Editorfs Notes

Editorial Board of Space Japan Review, AIAA JFSC:
Hiromitsu Wakana
Space Communication Group, NICT
4-2-1, Nukui-Kitamachi, Koganei, Tokyo 184-8795, Japan

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