Space Japan Review, No. 80
Turksat Earth Station
Courtesy of Turksat
Cover Page
Turksat Earth Station
Courtesy of Turksat (PDF: 5,066kB)
Interview with CEO (in English) Dr. Ozkan Dalbay, President and CEO, TURKSAT
In this interview by Web, Turksat President and CEO Dr. Ozkan Dalbay talks about his business strategies for the satellite communications services in the area from Europe and Africa to Asia and about the impression of the Japanese working style and peoplefs behavior through the Turksat 4A and 4B which are now under development in Mitsubishi Electric Corporation (MELCO).
Space Japan Review (SJR) is a technical communications journal published by AIAA Japan Forum on Satellite Communications (AIAA-JFSC), a subcommittee of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)fs Technical Committee on Communication Systems (TCCS). It was initially published in hard copy, but is now distributed electronically over the Internet. This column provides an opportunity for CEOs of communications satellite development and manufacturing companies and satellite communications providers around the world to discuss their strategies and aspirations, serving as a reference for AIAA members and SJR readers. Turksat A.S provides a various kinds of communications services. Today we'd like to discuss your strategies for the satellite communications business through Web.
(PDF: 479kB)
Special Report: "Large Deployable Satellite Antenna" (in Japanese)
R&D of 30-meter-diameter Deployable Reflector Antennas applying for the Next-Generation Communication SatellitesReal Estate in Frequency
Satoru Ozawa, JAXA, Japan
(PDF: 1,117kB)
Special Report: "Large Deployable Satellite Antenna" (in Japanese)
Evolution of A gNamelessh Deployable Space Antenna
Jin Mitsugi, Keio University, Japan
(PDF: 635kB)
Space Japan Interview (in Japanese)
Learned from Development of CS "Sakura, Cherry in English", blooming in the universe of "Showa" Akio Iso, Iso SpaceNet Research
Capital Product & Review (in Japanese) The ASNARO Project
Soichiro Mihara, Japan Space Systems
Space Japan Milestone (in Japanese) Global Change Observation Mission (GCOM-W1) Lift Off
Muneaki Mori, JAXA
Editorfs Notes
Although this June, July, August and September issue became merged two bimonthly issues due to the busy schedule of editorial committee members, this issue contains useful information including the article interviews CEO of satellite communications company in Turkey, and a special article on large antenna. Japanese regime was changed in the general election at the end of last year and its policy emphasizes on the economy which is said to gAbenomicsh. If the economic situation of our country continue to change for the better future, satellite communications operator and manufacturing companies will be expected to be made more active. Also the construction of satellite communications on the national security will be progressing under the enactment of the Space Basic Law. The importance of satellite communications will increase more and more. I would like to ask any comment of readers for articles. I hope you to enjoy SJR also in the future. (TI)