Space Japan Review

Space Japan Review 2 & 3
No.78, February / March 2012

Space Japan Review, No. 78
Simulated distribution of debris caused by the collusion of Iridium and Cosmos satellites.
Courtesy of Prof. Toshiya Hanada, Kyushu University


Cover Page
Simulated distribution of debris caused by the collusion of Iridium and Cosmos satellites (the situation of four months after).
Courtesy of Prof. Toshiya Hanada, Kyushu University
(PDF: 2,045kB)

Space Japan Book Review (in English)
From a satcom researcher point of view
Reviewer: Takashi Iida, Editorial Advisor, AIAA Fellow
W. Brian Arthur:The Nature of Technology What Is and How It Evolve, Free Press, 2009.
I have paid attention to the author, W.B.Arthur, of this book, since I cited his outlook on appearance of Internet that resembles the dawn of the Industrial Revolution, in the Reference [1]. I think that this book is suitable as a book review of Space Japan Review, because this book includes a discussion about technical development and innovation and thus space development related examples are quoted. Dr. Arthur advanced to economics after he learned electrical engineering and he is known as one of pioneers on chaos theory. He is an invited professor of Santa Fe Research Institute and also a visiting researcher of Palo Alto Research Institute. Since he likes an airplane very much and obsolete radio equipment, I imagine that we feel close to him. (PDF: 183kB)

Space Japan Opinion (in English)
Methodology of Research and Development
From Research of Satellite Communications to General Research
#4 (Series final) Shock of the East Japan Great Earthquake and National Research

Takashi Iida, JFSC Special Advisor, AIAA Fellow
In this opinion column, it is intended to argue how to conduct research and development (R&D) on satellite communication, especially for national security. This is why we step forward in the 21st century of the chaos which was determined by the terrorist attacks to the U.S. on September 11, 2001, and in order to deal in a century of chaos, R&D of national security, especially satellite communications becomes particularly more and more important. On that occasion, an R&D methodology in general R&D as well as one of satellite communications is argued based on experience of the management of Communications Research Laboratory of the author's former job. Therefore, the content may be based on the author's own dogmatism and prejudice, but please forgive me because of an opinion column.
(PDF: 295kB)

Space Japan Interview (in Japanese)
Learned from Development of CS "Sakura, Cherry in English", blooming in the universe of "Showa"
Akio Iso, Iso SpaceNet Research

From Editor

Editorial Board of Space Japan Review, AIAA JFSC:
Hiromitsu Wakana
Space Communication Group, NICT
4-2-1, Nukui-Kitamachi, Koganei, Tokyo 184-8795, Japan

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