Space Japan Review

Space Japan Review 12-01
No.77 December 2011/January 2012

Space Japan Review, No. 77
under preparation


Cover Page
under preparation

Greeting from the Editor Broad (in English)
A Happy New Year! The new year of 2012 has come, but the last year was a special year for us. Japanese because we were struck by the East Japan Great Earthquake on March 11, 2011. Many people were killed or evacuated from such a big natural disaster. Furthermore many people were evacuated from the big accident of nuclear power generation plants . I think that these disasters influenced our Japanese to change not only our philosophy of life but also our thought about science and technology. At a particularly early stage of such a great disaster, it was shown that the satellite communications were extremely reliable technology by the effort of many people concerned. We would like to continue transmitting the useful information through the Space Japan Review. We appreciate your continuous support for the JFSC....
(PDF: 240kB)

Space Japan Opinion (in English)
Methodology of Research and Development
From Research of Satellite Communications to General Research
3. Method for National Security Related Research
Takashi Iida, JFSC Special Advisor, AIAA Fellow
In this opinion column, it is intended to argue how to conduct research and development (R&D) on satellite communication, especially for national security. This is why we step forward in the 21st century of the chaos which was determined by the terrorist attacks to the U.S.A. on September 11, 2001, and in order to deal in a century of chaos, R&D of national security, especially satellite communications becomes particularly more and more important. On that occasion, an R&D methodology in general R&D as well as one of satellite communications is argued based on experience of the management of Communications Research Laboratory of the author's former job. Therefore, the content may be based on the author's own dogmatism and prejudice, but please forgive me because of an opinion column.

Capital Products & Review (in Japanese)
NICT's Small Optical Transponder (SOTA)

Yoshihisa Takayama, NICT, Japan
This report presents a small optical transponder, which can be installed in a small satellite for optical communication.

From Aerospace America (in Japanese)
Space and Risk Analysis Paralysis
Written by Fred G. Kennedy
Translated by Takao Ueda, AIAA JFSC
Copyright 2011 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. This article was translated with the permission of Aerospace America. The original article was published in Aerospace America, November 2011, pp.29-34, Col. Fred G. Kennedy, "Space and risk analysis paralysis"

Space Japan Interview (in Japanese)
Learned from Development of CS "Sakura, Cherry in English", blooming in the universe of "Showa"
Akio Iso, Iso SpaceNet Research

From Editor

Editorial Board of Space Japan Review, AIAA JFSC:
Hiromitsu Wakana
Space Communication Group, NICT
4-2-1, Nukui-Kitamachi, Koganei, Tokyo 184-8795, Japan

Members of Editorial Board are expecting to have any
comment from readers. Please send us the comments,
opinions to the articles of Space Japan Review and any
anticipation via e-mail and/or FAX as shown in the left column