Space Japan Review 6 - 7

No.62 June / July 2009



Cover Page

The 27th AIAA International Communications Satellite Systems Conference

From Aerospace America I (in Japanese)
Industry Insights: GEO Comsats Up, Launch Programs Down

Marco Caceres

This article was reprinted with the permission of AIAA Aerospace America.
Aerospace America, Vol.47, No.4, pp.20-22, Apr. 2009.
Translated by Dr. Takashi Iida.

From Aerospace America II (in Japanese)
China on Course in Space

Michael Westlake

This article was reprinted with the permission of Aerospace America. Aerospace America, Vol. 47, No. 4, Apr. 2009.
Translated by Dr. Takao Ueda.

Selected Paper
Delivery of Body Area Network Data Via Ka-band Satellite links

National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT)
Huan-Bang Li

Demand on high quality of medical and healthcare services motivates the research and development activities on medical information and communications technology (MICT). Among various MICT, body area network (BAN) is expected to be able to introduce more efficiency into medical and healthcare and improve the quality of medical treatment and healthcare management. By combining with bio-signal sensors, BAN can collect and forward vital bio-signal through dependable networks with high security and high reliability for real-time monitoring.
There are many infrastructures can be used to forward BAN data to a central hospital for evaluation purpose including fiber-based internet, mobile cellular network (MCN), and satellite network. Satellite network has several distinct characteristics in comparison to the others. This paper describes an experimental system, in which BAN data is forwarded using Ka-band satellite.

Education Corner (in Japanese)
Study on video services via the WINDS satellite

Tokyo Metropolitan University Prof. Takao Nishitani

Conference Report (in Japanese)
Report for AIAA ICSSC2009

National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT)
Yoshinori Arimoto

Mr. Arimoto reports the International Communications Satellite Systems Conference (ICSSC2009) of AIAA that had been held in the capital Edinburgh in Scotland from 1st to 4th in June, 2009. After the introduction of the conference, AIAA Technical Committee for Communication Satellite (TCCS) meeting held on June 1 is reported.

Topics from Within (in Japanese)
2009 Anual Report for AIAA Japan Forum on Satellite Communications

Tokyo Metropolitan University Prof. Hajime Fukuchi

The general meeting 2009 of AIAA Japan Forum on Satellite Communications (JFSC) was held on May 15, 2009 in the Akihabara satellite campus of the Tokyo Metropolitan University. Prof. Hajime Fukuchi, the Tokyo Metropolitan University, who is also the secretary-general of JFSC, report the general meeting, in which activity report 2008, fiscal report, auditing reporting, activity plan, budget planning etc. were discussed. In 2011, AIAA-ICSSC will be held in Japan.

Editorial Bureau/ AIAA JFSC, Editorial Committee
NICT, Space Communications Division
4-2-1, Nukui-Kitamachi, Koganei, Tokyo 184-8795, Japan

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