Space Japan Review 10 - 11

No.43 October / November 2005




Cover Page

Executive Comment
Prof. Dr. Ralpf-W.Jaeger, Berlin Technical University, President, Enerjy. co

Interview with CEO
Dr. Hiroshi Kimura, President•CEO, Advanced Space Business Corporation iASBCj

Special Report
In-Flight INTERNET via satellite communications Takao

Internet services on board are expanding on commercial airlines domestic and international. For many businessmen, these services should be highly appreciated, since the long time flight would be no more the gblind timeh during business trip. Popularization of in-flight Internet service will be the bright news for satellite communication industries that experienced the serious depression in the last few years. SPACE JAPAN REVIEW magazine introduced the summary of services by Connexion by Boeing(CBB), pioneer and promoter of in-flight internet service, in October/November 2004 issue. This time, CBB total system architecture and the latest status of service deployment will be addressed.

Topics From Within (1)
JAXA Announced A Long-Term Vision
Written by T.Iida, Advisor of Editorial Board

The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) announced a long-term vision for the next 20 years in April 2005. The details of the vision can be obtained at the JAXAfs homepage ( A brief introduction is given with key words here.

Topics From Within (2)
Report of AIAA TCCS Meeting Held on September 25, 2005
by Takashi Iida, JAXA and Yoshiaki Suzuki, NICT

This document reports the AIAA TCCS (Technical Committee on Communications Systems) meeting, held in the night of the first day during the Joint Conference of 11th Ka Band and Broadband Conference and 26th AIAA International Communications Satellite Systems Conference (ICSSC-2005) which was held in Rome on September 25-28, 2005.

Topics From Within(3)
Participating Support Activity for Astronaut Soichi Noguchi on Space Shuttle STS-114
by Takashi Iida, JAXA

After an accident of the Space Shuttle "Colombia" in January 2002, STS-114 of the Space Shuttle "Discovery" which had been prepared for the Return-To-Flight was launched successfully on July 26, 2005 and returned to the ground safely on August 9, 2005. A Japanese Astronaut Noguchi performed three times of extravehicular activity (EVA) successfully during the shuttle mission. I stayed as one of JAXA support group members from its launching to the return in the U.S., and had a very valuable experience through this activity. At first I would like to thank people concerned particularly.


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Space Japan Milestone

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Education Corner

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Editorial Bureau/ AIAA JFSC, Editorial Committee
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