Space Japan Review 6 - 7

No.41 June / July 2005


X-ray astronomy satellite "SUZAKU" (ASTRO-EII) was launched by the M-V 6 rocket on 10 July, 2005.

Photo : JAXA


Cover Page

Executive Comment
"Space Commercialization"
Joseph N. Pelton
Director, Space & Advanced Communications Research Institute, George Washington University

The concept of space commercialization has certainly be around for some time, but events during 2004 have triggered new direction and new support for private space enterprises both in the corporate world and in the U.S. Congress. Indications of a new stage of interest and activity can be seen from the following:

Space Japan Club
Coming Full Circle
Angelo M. Iasiello, II

Business Development, International, AIAA "One might say that I was destined in some way to be working in aerospace at this point in my career. And to be honest, it does not surprise me that my life journey has led me to AIAA." Mr Angelo Iasiello talks for the Space Japan Review.

Capital Products & Review
"Onboard Traveling Wave Tube for 21-GHz Band Broadcasting Satelliteh
NHK Science and Technical Research Laboratories

gAt NHK Science and Technical Research Laboratories, we are doing research on the satellite broadcasting system in the 21-GHz band to provide a next generation service such as Super Hi-Vision which has high definition imaging with a resolution of over 4000 scan lines. To compensate for rain attenuation in the 21-GHz band, we are developing a system with a phased-array antenna that increases the radiation power only in heavy rainfall areas.h

Topics from Within
(1)Their Majesties the Emperor and Empress visited a space communication related facility.

"Their Majesties the Emperor and Empress visited NICT Kashima Space Communications Center after attending the national planting festival held at Suigou Prefectural Forest in Itako City."

(2)gToward Super-Hivision Broadcasting using 21-GHz Satellite Transmission Technology

~ Presentation at 2005 NHK STRL Open House ~h
NHK Science and Technical Research Laboratories

Editorial Bureau/ AIAA JFSC, Editorial Committee
NICT, Space Communications Division
4-2-1, Nukui-Kitamachi, Koganei, Tokyo 184-8795, Japan
FAX: +81 42 327 6123

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